Erasmus+ Day 2 na našej škole

Dňa 01.10.2021 sa uskutočnil na našej škole Erasmus + Day- informačný deň po mobilite C2 v Portugalsku.

Účastníkmi aktivity boli vedenie našej školy, učitelia zapojení do projektu a učitelia školy, účastníci mobility. Pozvanie na našu aktivitu prijala aj pani Mgr. Natália Vince , vedúca referátu metodiky projektov KSK.

Cieľom tejto aktivity bolo podeliť sa so zážitkami a skúsenosťami z Mobility C2 v Portugalsku formou prezentácií, videí a zbierok fotografií jednotlivých žiakov. Následne nám členovia projektového tímu predstavili výsledky prieskumov a dotazníkov o diskriminácii a predsudkoch, ktoré robili spoločne s partnerskými školami z Portugalska a Talianska pred mobilitou v Portugalsku.

Predstavili sme výherné Logo projektu a Maskota projektu, ktoré boli vytvorené žiakmi nášho projektového tímu.

Pán riaditeľ školy Mgr. Rastislav Friga odovzdal účastníkom Crtifikát z Mobility a následne sa uskutočnila beseda o téme projektu, skúsenostiach a zážitkoch žiakov a učiteľov projektového tímu z Mobility v Portugalsku.

The Erasmus + Day about the Mobility C2 in Portugal was held at our school on the 1st October 2021.

The aim of the activity was to inform the teachers, students and the wider public about the mobility and talk about the experiences of the students and teachers present at the mobility in Portugal.

The principal Mgr. Rastislav Friga opened the activity, the deputies of the school, teachers and students of the school were present.

From the local authorities Mgr. Natália Vince , the leader of the methodics of projects accepted the invitation to our activity.

The participants of the Mobility made their presentations, presented their video and collection of photos from the mobility.

The Logo of the Project and the Mascot of the project were presented together with the results of the questionnaires to the project topic about discrimination and prejudices.

The principal of the school handed out the Certificates about the mobility and a discussion followed, where the participants had an opportunity to talk about the cultural similarities and differences of Slovakia and Portugal and how they felt, what they experienced during the mobility.

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